Pink Gin 500 ML
This gin is a perfect summer drink, with its fruity and floral flavour profile and beautiful pink hue. The
infusion of strawberry, raspberry, and elderflower flavours creates a well-balanced and refreshing
taste that is sure to please any gin lover. The addition of tonic water enhances the flavours, creating a
perfect balance between sweetness and bitierness. This gin is perfect for sipping on a warm summer
day or mixing with tonic water for a refreshing cocktail. 38.5 % ABV
This gin is a perfect summer drink, with its fruity and floral flavour profile and beautiful pink hue. The
infusion of strawberry, raspberry, and elderflower flavours creates a well-balanced and refreshing
taste that is sure to please any gin lover. The addition of tonic water enhances the flavours, creating a
perfect balance between sweetness and bitierness. This gin is perfect for sipping on a warm summer
day or mixing with tonic water for a refreshing cocktail. 38.5 % ABV
This gin is a perfect summer drink, with its fruity and floral flavour profile and beautiful pink hue. The
infusion of strawberry, raspberry, and elderflower flavours creates a well-balanced and refreshing
taste that is sure to please any gin lover. The addition of tonic water enhances the flavours, creating a
perfect balance between sweetness and bitierness. This gin is perfect for sipping on a warm summer
day or mixing with tonic water for a refreshing cocktail. 38.5 % ABV