Citrus Shift Gin 500 ML
This gin is a unique and delightful twist on the classic dry gin. The infusion of butterfly pea flowers
and lemon myrtle leaves adds a stunning appearance, a subtle sweetness, and a zesty flavour profile
that is sure to please any gin lover. The colour-changing element adds an element of excitement and
surprise, making it a perfect party drink. The combination of juniper, citrus, and spices creates a well rounded
and complex flavour profile that is perfect for a refreshing summer cocktail. 38%ABV
This gin is a unique and delightful twist on the classic dry gin. The infusion of butterfly pea flowers
and lemon myrtle leaves adds a stunning appearance, a subtle sweetness, and a zesty flavour profile
that is sure to please any gin lover. The colour-changing element adds an element of excitement and
surprise, making it a perfect party drink. The combination of juniper, citrus, and spices creates a well rounded
and complex flavour profile that is perfect for a refreshing summer cocktail. 38%ABV
This gin is a unique and delightful twist on the classic dry gin. The infusion of butterfly pea flowers
and lemon myrtle leaves adds a stunning appearance, a subtle sweetness, and a zesty flavour profile
that is sure to please any gin lover. The colour-changing element adds an element of excitement and
surprise, making it a perfect party drink. The combination of juniper, citrus, and spices creates a well rounded
and complex flavour profile that is perfect for a refreshing summer cocktail. 38%ABV